Annual Report 2013 | Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

100 Years of Service

The Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, along with the rest of the Federal Reserve System, recently turned 100. In this special report to mark the centennial, you will read about the financial instability in the country that led to the birth of the Fed, our nation's third attempt at a central bank. You will also find out why, a half-century later, the St. Louis Fed came to be known as the maverick in the Fed system. But this report also looks at our Bank today and what lies ahead. See how we serve not only financial institutions and the Treasury, but educators, those who work in community development, the wide variety of people who look to us for economic research and data, and the public at large. The accompanying video captures some of the highlights of where we've been and where we're going.

Also in this year's report..

A Message from the President

A Message from the Chair

100 Years of Service

Our Leaders. Our Advisers. (PDF)

Financial Statements

Entire Report (PDF)

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