Appeals Process for Material Supervisory Decisions


For any institution examined by the Federal Reserve, an internal appeals process allows a supervised bank to appeal an adverse supervisory determination in areas including, but not limited to, examination or inspection ratings, the adequacy of loan loss reserves, and significant loan classifications. The St. Louis Fed and the Board of Governors continue to believe that objections to supervisory determinations are most effectively handled through the longstanding practice of resolving problems informally during the course of the examination process. However, these procedures clarify the steps to follow if an institution chooses to appeal a material supervisory determination, with the assurance of no negative repercussions.

The Board’s Ombudsman (Ombudsman) can provide assistance regarding questions related to the System’s material supervisory determination appeals process and claims of retaliation. The Ombudsman can also provide assistance to facilitate the informal resolution of concerns prior to the filing of a formal appeal.

An institution may contact the Ombudsman at any time by calling 1-800-337-0429, by sending a facsimile to 202-530- 6208, by writing to the Office of the Ombudsman, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, Washington, D.C. 20551, or by sending an e-mail to