Community Development Publications and Reports

Community Development publications cover topics including affordable banking; impact investing; principles for launching a successful initiative; trends impacting families and communities; and more.
Featured Publications
Disconnected Young Adults: A Look at the Eighth Federal Reserve District
How are high levels of economic disconnection among young adults nationwide reflected in our region? Our 2024 report examines young adults who are neither in school nor working by geography, race, education and income to better understand who makes up this population, their labor market experiences and what barriers to greater economic participation they may face.
The State of U.S. Wealth Inequality
The State of U.S. Wealth Inequality uses quarterly data based on the average, inflation-adjusted household wealth of various demographic groups in the U.S. to examine racial, generational and educational wealth gaps. The report seeks to quantify the magnitude of U.S. wealth gaps over time, an important step toward understanding why such differences persist.
Economic Impact of Child Care by State
Get child care data for all 50 states, including affordability estimates, labor force participation rates and statistics about workforce-related struggles facing child care providers. Fact sheets prepared by Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis researchers.
Published 2017-Current
Explains everyday economics and the Fed, while also spotlighting St. Louis Fed people and programs. Community Development publishes articles about economic development and economic equity and inequality in this blog.
Published 2014-Current
Offers frequent commentary, analysis and data from our economists and other St. Louis Fed experts. Community Development authors cover topics like economic development and economic equity and inequality in this blog.
Published 1997-2023
A regular review of regional community and economic development issues, projects and regulatory changes for practitioners from community-based organizations, as well as for Community Reinvestment Act officers, academics and government officials.
Published May 2022-September 2023
These research-based essays offer insight and analysis focused on advancing an economy where all can thrive.
Published August 2012-January 2021
Research-based essays focus on understanding and strengthening the balance sheets of American households.
Published 2022-2024
The State of Economic Equity describes the nation’s current economic outlook using an equity lens. We explore major economic trends that are expected to impact families over the near term and discuss ways to bolster economic resiliency.
Grants in the Gateway: How Is CED Funding Distributed?
Published September 2023
The Grants in the Gateway report aims to help community and economic development (CED) practitioners, researchers and foundations understand the flow of grant-based funding in the St. Louis area. It maps regional dynamics in giving by examining differences between CED nonprofits and grantmakers in size, leadership and proximity.
Published 2018-Current
The Bank On movement is designed to improve the financial stability of America’s unbanked and underbanked. Metrics from financial institutions related to account openings, account usage and consistency, and online access are aggregated and released annually.
Community Development Outlook Survey
Published October 2011-Current
Fielded by our Community Development department, this survey monitors the factors affecting low- and moderate-income communities in the Fed’s Eighth District.
COVID-19 and Low- to Moderate-Income Communities
Published November 2022
The pandemic had a profound effect on people nationwide. The Federal Reserve System identifies specific challenges facing LMI communities. Perspectives from Main Street summarizes a nationwide survey of nonprofits, financial institutions, government agencies and other organizations serving urban, suburban and rural communities.
Expanding Access to High-Quality Early Care and Education through a Racial Equity Lens
Published January 2022
While research suggests that quality early care and education can reduce racial disparities, families of color struggle with accessing affordable, quality programs that meet their needs for diversity and cultural competence.
Published May 2018-October 2019
Four essays regarding community development topics aimed at community-based organizations, financial institutions, academics and government officials.
Innovative Approaches to Investing with Impact in St. Louis (PDF)
Published April 2019
One of today’s biggest barriers to engagement in impact investing in St. Louis is a lack of awareness. This report provided an overview of impact investing throughout St. Louis and emerging impact investing structures across the U.S., such as Pay for Success and Opportunity Zones. Also view the 2018 report (PDF).
Launching a Community Development Project
Published 2016
This guide from the St. Louis Fed can help you navigate the process of putting together community development projects and identify funding for projects.
Published 2021
Rural communities that support inclusive development and tap into the potential of all their residents will have a competitive advantage in the economy of the future. This book offers ideas for how rural communities can pursue growth that leads to greater economic opportunity for everyone.
The Future of Building Wealth: Brief Essays on the Best Ideas to Build Wealth—For Everyone
Published 2021
The book highlights the boldest and forward-looking ideas for rebuilding or building family balance sheets.
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Harvesting Opportunity: The Power of Regional Food System Investments to Transform Communities
Published 2017
In recent years, consumers have become increasingly interested in where their food comes from and how their food dollars can provide greater support for local food-related businesses and farmers. This book focuses on regional food systems as a means for enhancing economic opportunity.
Economic Mobility: Research & Ideas on Strengthening Families, Communities & the Economy
Published 2016
The authors of the essays in this volume explore a range of issues and concepts central to understanding how—and how well—people are able to move economically. This publication was released by the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis and the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System.
Published 2015-2018
This essay series written by the St. Louis Fed's former Center for Household Financial Stability is based on a deep analysis of over a quarter-century’s worth of data collected by the Federal Reserve through its Survey of Consumer Finances.
Investing in America’s Workforce: Report on Workforce Development Needs and Opportunities
Published 2017
This report analyzed information gathered from nearly 1,000 leaders who work at the intersection of workforce training, recruitment and finance. The study provided a snapshot of the workforce development sector and its key challenges. It offered strategies for improving the human capital of America’s labor force, expanding access to jobs and innovating workforce development funding.
Workforce Development Survey Results
Published 2015
In 2015, the St. Louis Fed distributed a survey to collect data about workforce development trends that affect low- and moderate-income individuals and households in the St. Louis area.
The Effects of Recessions Across Demographic Groups (PDF)
Published September 2009
In this report, St. Louis Fed economist Howard Wall took the different effects of the recession on men and women as a starting point and examines employment experiences across a range of other demographic categories—marital status, race, age and education. The purpose was to understand more about what recessions mean to people. Such information gives an idea of addressing the effects of the Great Recession and to better prepare for future ones.
Economic Effects of the 1918 Influenza Pandemic: Implications for a Modern-day Pandemic (PDF)
Published March 2009
In 1918, the United States experienced the most serious epidemic in its history. Millions of people were infected with the highly contagious influenza virus, and hundreds of thousands of people died. The possibility that a modern-day influenza outbreak could happen has caused researchers to look back to the 1918 pandemic as a foundational model for the likely effects of such an event on the United States. However, there has been relatively little research done on the economic effects of the pandemic. This report by St. Louis Fed economist Thomas A. Garrett provided a concise discussion and analysis of the economic effects of the 1918 influenza pandemic based on available data and research.
Archived Community Development booklets, guides, and brochures and reports and research can be found on FRASER, the digital library of economic history.