Amy C. Hileman

Amy Hileman is senior vice president and managing officer of the national banking supervision training function for the Federal Reserve, the Center for Learning Innovation, and the Eighth District’s Banking Supervision functions supporting information security and technology, staff development and recruitment, financial support and risk management, document and records management, and administrative support. Supervision training includes staff from all 12 Reserve banks and the Board of Governors. It consists of three examiner commissioning programs (community bank, large financial institution, consumer compliance) and provides ongoing professional development for the 4,000+ supervisory staff in the Federal Reserve System. The Center for Learning Innovation provides learning and technology solutions for a variety of Fed System business areas to reach internal and external audiences.

Hileman started her career in commercial banking, where she held management responsibilities in a large community bank in Chicago. In 2000, she joined the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, where she earned her examiner commission and served in various management roles. In 2015, she transferred to the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, where she was named vice president and Supervision Learning officer.

Hileman holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in economics from the University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana. She received her Master of Arts degree in information and learning technologies from the University of Colorado-Denver, where she was named the outstanding graduate in the program.

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