Community Development: Booklets, Guides and Brochures
Coming Up with the Money
The Community Development department of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis is pleased to provide Coming Up with the Money: Five Principles for Launching a Successful Community Development Initiative, a resource for both experienced and novice practitioners.
Growing Entrepreneurs from the Ground Up (PDF)
Growing Entrepreneurs from the Ground Up is a community-based self-assessment tool for evaluating a community’s small-business climate. The guide also contains suggested actions a community can take to make the most of its strengths and to address deficiencies in its small-business environment. Resources and tools—such as web sites, books, seminars and programs, and foundations—are included with the suggested actions.
Innovative Ideas for Revitalizing the LIHTC Market (PDF)
In the current economy, with homeownership more difficult to attain, the need for rental housing has become increasingly important. However, the market for Low Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTCs), a major source of capital for the development of rental housing, has experienced a serious downturn. This publication, produced by the Board of Governors’ and the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis’ Community Affairs functions, features six short articles by experts with their ideas for bolstering the LIHTC program.