Main Street Arkansas Cities Gain Jobs in 2005

July 01, 2006

The numbers for 2005 are in and the 17 Main Street Arkansas cities saw a net gain of 222 jobs for the year. The source of the jobs is 39 new businesses and 34 expansion and relocations into downtowns. Investment in 91 façade renovations, building rehabilitations and new construction projects totaled $3.6 million. Another $1.1 million was generated for public improvement projects.

Main Street Arkansas is a program of the Arkansas Department of Arkansas Heritage. The agency's programs are featured in the Little Rock Area Resource Guide for Small Business and include the Conservation Easement Program, Historic Preservation Restoration Grant, Historic Preservation Tax Incentives Program and the Model Business Grant.

For more information on the programs, contact the Arkansas Department of Arkansas Heritage at (501) 324-9880 or visit

For a copy of the Little Rock Area Resource Guide for Small Business, contact Julie Kerr at (501) 324-8296 or via e-mail at

Bridges is a regular review of regional community and economic development issues. Views expressed are not necessarily those of the St. Louis Fed or Federal Reserve System.

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