GDP and Pizza: Economics for Life Online Module for Non-educators
GDP and Pizza: Economics for Life is designed to help students in civics, economics and other social studies classes grasp challenging economic content – and to explain why these topics are important for citizens to understand.
The module includes numerous interactive checks for understanding, video clips of a Fed economist explaining concepts and everyday examples that will make sense to students. In addition, students complete a pre- and post-test to assess learning.
Section One covers:
- the definition Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
- the components of GDP
- per capita GDP
Section Two covers:
- real vs. nominal GDP
- levels vs. percentage change
- importance of a growing economy
- trend growth rate
- uses for GDP data
- automatic stabilizers
Teachers: Learn more and preview the module for teachers and students.
Related: View the GDP and Pizza Short Modules. The short modules are:
- GDP: What Is It?
- GDP Measurement and Growth
- GDP: Policy
This lesson received the 2015 Curriculum Gold Award from the National Association of Economic Educators. Read more about this and other awards.
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