Education Resources Recommended by Cameron Tucker
Cameron Tucker is the economic education analyst at the St. Louis Fed. Cameron's favorite resources are listed below.
Is Trade a Zero-Sum Game? The Answer Lies in Candy
Lesson Grade Level: 6-8 | 9-12 | College
This simple trading activity demonstrates a key economic idea: Voluntary trade can make both the buyer and seller better off. Students trade candy with their classmates over four rounds, starting with their nearest neighbors (local) and expanding to the entire class (global). From round to round, they will indicate satisfaction with their trade, and have the opportunity to expand their trading network.
Page One Economics®: What Should College Athletes Be Paid? Market Structure and the NCAA
Lesson Grade Level: 9-12 | College
This issue of Page One Economics® looks at how the market structure underlying college athletics has taken the debate over student compensation all the way to the Supreme Court.
Page One Economics®: Should We Fear the Inverted Yield Curve?
Lesson Grade Level: 9-12 | College
This issue of Page One Economics® examines the yield curve, which has inverted before every one of the last nine U.S. recessions.
Women in Economics Symposium and Podcast
Stay tuned for news about the annual Women in Economics symposium in 2025. Visit the Women in Economics page for more information on the event.
The Women in Economics podcast series highlights the studies and careers of prominent female economists. Listen to Women in Economics online or stream and subscribe on your favorite podcast app.
Economic Lowdown Video Series Episode 10: Unemployment
Lesson Grade Level: 9-12 | College
It may seem that many people like to complain about work, but most do see having a job as a much better situation than the alternative—being unemployed.
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You can contact Cameron at 314-444-8553, or