Homer Jones Memorial Lecture

This memorial lecture series is named for Homer Jones, who exemplified the highest qualities of leadership in economics and public policy. As research director and later senior vice president at the St. Louis Fed, Jones (1906-1986) played a major role in developing the Bank as a leader in monetary research and statistics. The first lecture was held in 1987.

For the lecture on Nov. 2, 2023, Isabel Schnabel, an economist and member of the executive board of the European Central Bank (ECB), shared her research on inflation and the factors that could determine the pace with which inflation returns to 2% in the “last mile” of monetary policy. Schnabel is responsible for market operations, research and statistics at the ECB. She is also a council member of the European Economic Association and research fellow at the Centre for Economic Policy Research and CESifo. St. Louis Fed Interim President and CEO Kathleen O’Neill Paese gave welcoming remarks.

Her lecture was later featured in Review, a scholarly publication from the St. Louis Fed.

Also: Watch all videos from the 2023 lecture.

Past Homer Jones Memorial Lectures

Videos include opening remarks. Past lectures are also featured in the St. Louis Fed's scholarly publication, Review.

  • 2022, Eswar Prasad: "The Future of Money and its Implications for Society, Central Banks and the International Monetary System"
    Lecture Videos | Review article

  • 2020, John Cochrane: "Strategic Review and Beyond: Rethinking Monetary Policy and Independence"
    Lecture Videos | Review article

  • 2019, Carmen Reinhart: "A Short Tour of Global Risks"
    Lecture Videos | Review article | Women in Economics podcast

  • 2018, Kristin Forbes: "How Have Shanghai, Saudi and Supply Chains Affected U.S. Inflation Dynamics?"
    Lecture Videos | Review article

  • 2016, Lawrence H. Summers: "Secular Stagnation and Monetary Policy"
    Lecture Videos | Review article

  • 2015, Athanasios Orphanides: "Fear of Liftoff: Uncertainty, Rules and Discretion in Monetary Policy Normalization"
    Lecture Videos | Review article

  • 2014, Robert E. Lucas Jr.: "Liquidity: Meaning, Measurement, Management"
    Lecture Videos | Review article

  • 2013, R. Glenn Hubbard: "A Roadmap for Financial Regulatory Reform"
    Lecture Videos | Review article

  • 2012, Mohamed El-Erian: "Evolution, Impact and Limitations of Unusual Central Bank Policy Activism"
    Lecture Videos | Review article

  • 2011, Axel Weber: "Challenges for monetary policy in EMU"
    Lecture Videos | Review article

  • 2010, Alan S. Blinder: "Quantitative Easing: Entrance and Exit Strategies"
    Review article

  • 2009, Raghuram G. Rajan: "The Credit Crisis and Cycle-Proof Regulation"
    Review article

  • 2006, Jerry L. Jordan: "Money and Monetary Policy for the Twenty-First Century"
    Review article

  • 2005, Ben Bernanke: "The Global Saving Glut and the U.S. Current Account Deficit"
    Federal Reserve Board

  • 2004, Jeremy J. Siegel: "Can We Measure ‘Expected’ Inflation?"

  • 2003, Douglass C. North: "Institutions and Economic Performances"

  • 2002, Michael Mussa: "Fun at the Fund: International Economic Policy Making During a Decade of Financial Crises"

  • 2001, Laurence H. Meyer: "Does Money Matter?"
    Review article

  • 2000, Frederic S. Mishkin: "What Should Central Banks Do?"
    Review article

  • 1999, Bennett T. McCallum: "Recent Developments in the Analysis of Monetary Policy Rules"
    Review article

  • 1998, John B. Taylor: "Monetary Policy and the Long Boom"
    Review article

  • 1997, Rudiger (Rudi) Dornbusch

  • 1995, Lawrence B. Lindsey: "The Two-Handed Role of Money"
    Review article

  • 1994, Helmut Schlesinger: "On the Way to a New Monetary Union: The European Monetary Union"
    Review article

  • 1993, W. Lee Hoskins: "Views on Monetary Policy"
    Review article

  • 1992, Anna Schwartz: "The Misuse of the Fed's Discount Window"
    Review article

  • 1991, Allan H. Meltzer: "U.S. Policy in the Bretton Woods Era"
    Review article

  • 1990, David Laidler: "The Legacy of the Monetarist Controversy"
    Review article

  • 1989, H. Robert Heller: "Money and the International Monetary System"
    Review article

  • 1988, William G. Dewald: "Monetarism is Dead; Long Live the Quantity Theory"
    Review article

  • 1987, Beryl W. Sprinkel: "Confronting Monetary Policy Dilemmas: The Legacy of Homer Jones"
    Review article

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