Lesson Plans and Activities for Teaching with FRED® Maps


Lesson plans for teaching with FRED maps includes instructional guides, lesson plans and activities with FRED, the St. Louis Fed's data service.

Each resource offers an economic insight based on a FRED map and includes opportunities for active learning with data. Students practice how to read data maps and tell the story behind the numbers.

Educational Attainment and Unemployment Rates by U.S. County

This lesson focuses on the relationship between educational attainment and unemployment. Students search for data on educational attainment and unemployment and visualize them in FRED. The goals are for students to observe patterns in mapped data, note differences across geographical areas, and hypothesize the reasons for those patterns and differences.

Life Expectancy at Birth and Net Migration by Nation

This lesson focuses on the relationship between life expectancy at birth and net migration. Students search for data on life expectancy at birth and net migration and visualize them in FRED. The goals are for students to observe patterns in mapped data, note differences across geographical areas, and hypothesize the reasons for those patterns and differences.

Unemployment and Health Insurance Coverage by Census Division

This lesson focuses on the relationship between unemployment and health insurance coverage. Students search for data on unemployment and health insurance coverage and visualize them in FRED. The goals are for students to observe patterns in mapped data, note differences across geographical areas, and hypothesize the reasons for those patterns and differences.

Single-Parent Households and Population Below the Poverty Level by U.S. County

This lesson focuses on the relationship between single-parent households and population below the poverty level. Students search for data on single-parent households and population below the poverty level and visualize them in FRED. The goals are for students to observe patterns in mapped data, note differences across geographical areas, and hypothesize the reasons for those patterns and differences.

Fractile vs. Equal

Students work with data that represent the ages of 24 people to learn the difference between categorizing data in fractile intervals and equal intervals. Students discuss dividing bonus points among class members to understand what per capita means. Then students search for state-level data on personal income per person and visualize them in FRED. The goals are for students to customize a map, observe patterns in mapped data, and note differences across geographical areas.

Creating and Analyzing a Binary Map

This lesson demonstrates how easy it is to create a binary FRED map. Students search for state-level data on average weekly earnings and visualize them in FRED. The goals are for students to customize a map, observe patterns in mapped data, and note differences across geographical areas.



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