The Economics of Infrastructure
This video in the Explore Economics animated series shows how infrastructure such as roads, bridges, railroad lines, water mains, sewer pipes, and power lines support the operation of an economy.
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This video is designed for teaching grades 3, 4, and 5.
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Narrator: Let's explore a little economics.
Person 1: Hey, that looks like a good place for a new department store.
Person 2: How do we get there?
Person 1: Hey, look. The new department store is finished.
Person 2: Yes. Let's take a look inside.
Person 1: Hey, it's dark in here.
Person 2: Someone should turn on the lights.
Person 3: I hit the switch, but nothing happened. I think something was forgotten.
All three voices: That's better.
Person 1: Hey, it's cold in here.
Person 2: Yes, there doesn't seem to be any heat.
All three voices: That's better.
Person 1: Hey, something else is missing.
Person 2: There doesn't seem to be any water.
All three voices: Ahh, that's much better.
Narrator: Roads, bridges, railroads, electrical power, water pipes, and the pipes that carry natural gas, are examples of infrastructure required for the economy to work. And, what's an economy? An economy is the way people use resources to produce goods and services and get those goods and services to other people.
Narrator: Resources are transported to businesses and used to produce goods and services. Goods are produced and transported to the store on roads, railroad tracks, and by airplanes. People drive along roads and bridges to get to stores and offices. Stores and offices are lighted, heated, cooled, and have running water. People work at stores and in offices, and consumers buy goods and services in stores.
Narrator: There's infrastructure that supports the economy all over the country. Some of the infrastructure is underground. Let's take a look at some of the infrastructure underground in St. Louis. The utility wires, water mains, sewer lines—all part of the infrastructure of St. Louis. So are the roads and bridges. Infrastructure supports a working economy.
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