Women in Economics: Amanda Michaud

October 20, 2021

Amanda Michaud, senior research economist at the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis’s Opportunity & Inclusive Growth Institute

“We learned something about how to evaluate criminal justice policy,” says Amanda Michaud, senior economist at the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis.At the time of recording, Michaud was a research officer at the St. Louis Fed. She is now a senior research economist at the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis’s Opportunity & Inclusive Growth Institute. She talks with Jennifer Beatty, an assistant vice president at the St. Louis FedBeatty was at the St. Louis Fed from 2015 to 2023., about her research on how criminal justice policy may affect employment among men of prime working age.


This podcast features conversations with women and underrepresented minorities who are making their marks in the field of economics. Views expressed are not necessarily those of the St. Louis Fed or Federal Reserve System.

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