The FRED Team Talks Innovation

March 21, 2023

The leaders of FRED explained how they’re focusing on different user personas—from educators and students to enterprise users and the general public—to help inform what comes next for the St. Louis Fed’s signature economic database.

A group of individuals sit around a table recording a podcast.

From left: Katrina Stierholz, group vice president, St. Louis Fed; Keith Taylor, FRED data officer, St. Louis Fed; Sunayna Tuteja, chief innovation officer, Federal Reserve System; Carlos Garriga, senior vice president, St. Louis Fed; and Yvetta Fortova, FRED product owner, St. Louis Fed. The group discusses how innovation drives the team leading FRED.

The FRED leaders discussed the history and mission of FRED as a public service in an August 2022 Timely Topics Podcast Series episode moderated by Federal Reserve System Chief Innovation Officer Sunayna Tuteja. Maintained by the Research Division at the St. Louis Fed, the free database houses more than 800,000 data series from over 100 sources worldwide.

FRED’s History and Value

“Probably one of the biggest values of FRED is that it puts all these things together in one place, so you don’t have to go to 100 different places to find economic data,” noted Katrina Stierholz, the group vice president who oversees FRED. “You do it in one place. It’s incredibly useful for the public.”

Stierholz explained the genesis of FRED, which was inspired by a 1961 memo from Homer Jones, then the St. Louis Fed research director. “It’s a very modest statement, but he is talking about transparency, public access, usability and understanding the economy,” she said. “Those are values we have now.”

Users Include Banks, Businesses and Young People

Evolving technology and consumer preferences for ways to access data are two focus areas for the team. Yvetta Fortova, FRED product owner, noted that the majority of FRED users are younger than 34. They want a quick way to check data and are more likely to use FRED on their phones, she said.

Expanding FRED’s reach is also a team aspiration.

“Our future really lies in more analysis of our user base, as we have a lot of potential in international markets,” Fortova said. “We have about 40% of our users coming from international, and we have great potential in increasing our women’s audience.”

Keith Taylor, FRED data officer, highlighted the enterprise user persona, noting that the most popular part of FRED is its application programming interface (API).

“These are investment banks, hedge funds, regular banks, business institutions that are all trying to get as much data as they can as quickly as possible” and populating their own backend systems, Taylor said. He noted that this demonstrates the breadth of users accessing FRED.

Students Connect with Data

One of the personas the FRED team is most proud of is educators because of their influential application of FRED to teach economic concepts.

“That’s very powerful to do,” Fortova explained, “because then it gives the students a sense of belonging and understanding the data and the information around it.” She gave the example of teaching about the labor force using unemployment rate charts in FRED, and how students can connect that with what they hear in the news about unemployment.

A Large Catalogue for Storytelling

Research Director Carlos Garriga highlighted the value of FRED’s dynamic charts and expansive catalogue of data, which the FRED Blog helps users to discover and display. He also noted future efforts tied to users’ increased interest in financial data and digital currency.

“You can make one graph tell a very compelling story,” Garriga said, “but make a big catalogue like ours tell a compelling story from the get-go, it’s kind of the nirvana for people that are working in this space, and that’s one of the North Stars for the team.”

This blog offers commentary, analysis and data from our economists and experts. Views expressed are not necessarily those of the St. Louis Fed or Federal Reserve System.

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