St. Louis Fed CDIAC Welcomes New Members

April 01, 2014

In the latest issue of Central Banker, the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis welcomed three new members to its Community Depository Institutions Advisory Council (CDIAC). The new members are:

  • John Haynes, president and CEO of Farmers and Merchants Bank, Baldwyn, Miss.
  • Dennis McIntosh, chairman, president and CEO of Ozarks Federal Savings and Loan Association, Farmington, Mo.
  • Greg Ikemire, president and CEO of Peoples State Bank, Newton, Ill.

The new members will serve staggered terms, with Ikemire’s term expiring in 2015 and Haynes and McIntosh serving terms that expire in 2016. The three outgoing members of the council are:

  • Gary Metzger, president of Liberty Bank, Springfield, Mo.
  • Vance Witt, chairman of BNA Bank, New Albany, Miss.
  • Gordon Waller, president and CEO of First State Bank and Trust, Caruthersville, Mo.

CDIAC is a 12-member council that meets twice a year to advise St. Louis Fed President James Bullard and senior Bank management on the credit, banking and economic conditions facing their institutions and communities. The Federal Reserve Board of Governors established its CDIAC in 2010 as a mechanism for community banks, thrift institutions and credit unions (with assets of $10 billion or less). Glenn Barks, president and CEO of First Community Credit Union in Chesterfield, Mo., serves as the chairman for the St. Louis Fed CDIAC and a member of the Board’s CDIAC.

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