Diálogo con la Fed

April 26, 2012

Deuda Soberana: Una Tragedia Griega Moderna

Por segunda vez en cinco años, el mundo enfrenta una crisis financiera que amenaza la salud de la economía mundial. En contraste con la crisis de 2007-08, causada por excesivo crédito hipotecario, la crisis actual está siendo impulsada por altos niveles de deuda soberana.

¿Qué sucede cuando una nación no paga su deuda? ¿Cómo es posible que Grecia haya tenido que reestructurar su deuda y que otros países europeos estén al borde de correr la misma suerte?¿Qué riesgos enfrenta la economía Americana?

Join Fernando Martin, senior economist at the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, for answers to these and other questions on May 30, 2012, as he discusses — in Spanish — the sovereign debt crisis. The event, titled “Deuda Soberana: Una Tragedia Griega Moderna,” is part of the St. Louis Fed’s popular “Dialogue with the Fed” series for the general public.  A reception with light refreshments begins at 6 p.m.  The program begins at 7 p.m.

This will be the first “Dialogue with the Fed” event presented entirely in Spanish. The event, which is open to the general public, is part of the Bank’s continuing efforts to provide timely and relevant economic information, education and analysis to all communities across the District and the country.

Martin will provide a historical overview of benefits and risks of national (sovereign) debt over the past two centuries. He will explain how this current crisis began in Greece and Ireland and then spread to southern Europe; and what the potential long-term ramifications are for the U.S. economy. Martin will be joined by St. Louis Fed economists Carlos Garriga and Adrian Peralta-Alva and will take questions from the on-site audience.

The St. Louis Fed introduced this popular series in the fall of 2011.  Led by Fed officials, the Dialogues are designed to address the key economic and financial issues of the day, and provide the opportunity to to ask questions.

May 8, 2012 | Sovereign Debt: A Modern Greek Tragedy
Christopher Waller, senior vice president and director of research

Nov. 21, 2011 | Understanding the Unemployment Picture
Christopher Waller, senior vice president and director of research

Oct. 18, 2011 | Bringing the Federal Deficit Under Control
William Emmons, assistant vice president and economist

Sept. 12, 2011 | Lessons Learned from the Financial Crisis
Julie Stackhouse, senior vice president, Banking Supervision and Regulation

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