June Burgundy Book Paints a Mixed Economic Picture for the St. Louis Regional Economy

June 30, 2011

ST. LOUIS - The June edition of the Burgundy Book, the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis’ quarterly summary of detailed economic information and data for the St. Louis region, is now available.  The St. Louis region covers 71 counties in eastern Missouri and 45 counties in southern Illinois.  (To view online visit the Bank’s Web site: https://research.stlouisfed.org/regecon/district.html)

In addition, MP3 audio clips highlighting the Burgundy Book can be heard at: http://stlouisfed.org/newsroom/multimedia/audio.cfm.  The audio clips feature St. Louis Fed economist Alejandro Badel commenting on several important economic indices in the St. Louis region, including labor and housing market conditions.  (NOTE: Reporters who prefer to interview Mr. Badel directly should contact the St. Louis Fed.)

The St. Louis Fed will also release separate, detailed reports on the economies in its Little Rock, Ark., Louisville, Ky., and Memphis, Tenn., regions on the same day and time.

Future releases of the 2011 Burgundy Books are planned for Sept. 30 and Dec. 23.  Each date is approximately two weeks after the release of the Beige Book.

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