*Media Advisory* Teach Children to Save Day

September 18, 2006

WHAT: Teach Children to Save Day," in which volunteers from various financial institutions visit Louisville-area elementary schools to conduct a 45-minutes lesson for the students on how to save money.Part of the lesson will involve the volunteers giving out small green plastic piggy banks, made partly out of recycled U.S. currency, to more than 1,000 students.

WHEN: The program officially starts Wednesday, Sept. 27, but Louisville Mayor Jerry Abramson will kick off the program by reading to first-graders at Byck Elementary on Monday, Sept. 25.

WHERE: See attached list for schools, times and the individuals who are scheduled to participate.

WHO: Sponsored by the Louisville Branch of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis in collaboration with Mayor Abramsons DollarWise Week, the Kentucky Bankers Association and Jefferson County Public Schools.

WHY:Americans have a very low rate of savingsremarkably low compared to other industrialized nations. This program is an effort to help turn that around by educating young people about what is involved in being a smart consumer, which includes good saving habits.

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