Teaching Market Structures with a Competitive Gum Market


In this lesson, students are placed in groups that replicate four competitive conditions—perfect competition, monopoly, competitive oligopoly, and collusive oligopoly. Students act as firms in each industry competing to sell their product to the teacher (acting as a consumer). Through the market activity, students learn that when many firms are competing in an industry, prices begin to reflect the cost of production, whereas a single seller can command a high price. They also learn how collusion can result in groups of sellers behaving as monopolists.

Need help implementing this lesson? Check out our quick video demonstration of the lesson!
Transcript follows.

This video will provide a detailed walkthrough on how to do the activity with your students.


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Education Level: 9-12 College
Subjects: AP Economics Economics
Concepts: Markets Market Structure Incentives
Resource Types: Lesson PowerPoint
Languages: English