Piggy Bank Primer: Twenty-five Cents Worth of History Lesson for Grades 2-4

Students take a close look at nickels and quarters commemorating many of the proudest moments in our country and in the seven states that make up the Federal Reserve's Eighth District. 25 Cents Worth of History is the second student activity book in "The Piggy Bank Primer" series. Young fans of Pig E. Bank will enjoy this new activity book, designed for students ages 8-10 who take a close look at nickels and quarters commemorating many of the proudest moments in our country and in the seven states that make up the Eighth District of the Federal Reserve. Other topics include the Federal Reserve, the U.S. Mint and the history and resources of Eighth District states. Activities include: designing a state coin, matching the "fun facts" with the correct state, locating Fed branch cities on a map and determining which states are endowed with particular natural resources. You'll learn something fun and interesting with each turn of a page.
• Student activity book (pdf)
• Answer key (pdf)
This lesson plan is designed for teaching grades 2, 3, and 4.
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