My Side of the Mountain

After reading the book My Side of the Mountain, students discuss the human capital that Sam possessed, the investments in human capital that he made and why these investments were important. Students work in groups to help them define and understand the meaning of investment in human capital, and they create a plan for investing in their human capital.
• Lesson (pdf)
• Whiteboard (SMART/notebook)
Book written by Jean Craighead George / ISBN: 0-14-240111-0. This book is in print and available.
Braille and Talking Book versions are available via the National Library Service for the Blind and Print Disabled. Library of Congress catalogue numbers are provided for accessible versions. The books can be accessed through BARD (Braille and Audio Reading Download). The book is available in Braille LCCN 2008993032 and Talking Book LCCN 2012999903.
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