Mississippi Personal Finance Curriculum

The Mississippi Personal Finance Curriculum is designed as a high school personal finance course. It is divided into seven units that address the six National Standards for Financial Literacy and a standard on decision making, respectively. Each unit includes a description, talking points, and links to recommended resources for teaching the given standard. The talking points are introductory comments and information about the content for each unit. In all, there are 35 lessons, videos, and online courses recommended in the curriculum and about that many recommended as supplemental resources. Thus, the curriculum is designed with flexibility for teachers to select the individual resources that best meet the needs of their classes. The curriculum also includes a glossary of terms and a matrix that aligns all of the recommended and supplemental resources as well as additional resources on personal finance—more than 100 in all—with national standards.

The Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, and the Mississippi Council on Economic Education partnered to create the Mississippi Personal Finance Curriculum.


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