Recognizing Diversity in Data Digital Badge Program


This digital badge program focuses on three foundational data literacy competencies and uses FRED® data to provide opportunities for hands-on learning.

Each topic in the program (listed below) is matched to a digital badge issued by Credly. If you successfully complete individual modules, you will receive, at no cost, Credly badges certifying your achievement. After completing all three individual modules, you will receive a digital micro-credential: Recognizing Diversity in Data.

Learn more about all our digital badges and how they can help with your professional development.

  • Measuring Income Inequality

    There are many different types of inequality among people: educational attainment, work experience, and health—to name a few. Income and wealth inequality result from a combination of personal factors, such as ability and effort, and social factors, such as gender and race. Knowing how to interpret different measures of economic inequality will help you think critically about data.

  • Identifying Gender Gaps

    The gender of a worker affects their experiences in the labor market. These include their decisions to participate in the market, the types of jobs they hold, their decisions to exit the market, and ultimately their earnings. Knowing how to interpret different labor market statistics will help you identify gender gaps in data.

  • Visualizing Racial Gaps

    Historically, the race of an individual affected where they either chose or were pressured to live. The now-outlawed practice of redlining classified entire neighborhoods as risky investments, and racial segregation concentrated African Americans in those neighborhoods. Knowing how to interpret different housing market statistics will help you identify racial gaps in data.

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Education Level: College Non-educators
Subjects: STEM Data Literacy
Resource Types: Lesson Tutorial Instructional Guide Data Digital Badge
Languages: English