Does College Level the Playing Field? Welcoming Remarks

May 22, 2017

Is college the "great equalizer" that opens up economic opportunity for lower-income, disadvantaged, and minority families? The St. Louis Fed’s Center for Household Financial Stability found that, since 1992, whites and Asians with college degrees have seen their wealth soar while blacks and Hispanics with college degrees have seen their wealth plummet. William R. Emmons looks at what underlies this troubling finding, and how college, which is increasingly necessary for financial success, can truly expand economic opportunity in the U.S.

Presentation (PDF)

Robert Hopkins, senior vice president and regional executive of the Little Rock Branch of the St. Louis Fed, described the program and introduced Ray Boshara. Boshara is the senior adviser and director of the Center for Household Financial Stability at the St. Louis Fed.

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