Annual Report 2020 | Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

The COVID-19 Economy: How the Pandemic Defined 2020

Our Leaders, Our Advisers


The Federal Reserve’s two-part structure—its central governing body in the Board of Governors and decentralized network of 12 Reserve banks—provides for a central banking system that broadly serves the public interest. Its design ensures that monetary policy reflects the economic conditions of communities and industries nationwide.

The members of the St. Louis Fed’s boards of directors and advisory councils are among the diverse voices representing Main Street that inform the work of the Federal Reserve.

The following pages list our board members from each of the four zones of the Eighth Federal Reserve District: St. Louis, Little Rock, Ark., Louisville, Ky., and Memphis, Tenn. Members of our six advisory councils are also listed, as are members of the Bank's Management Committee, officers of the Bank, and retirees from our boards and our advisory councils.

All lists are current as of March 25, 2021.

Our Retirees

We express our gratitude to members of our boards of directors and advisory councils who retired over the past year.

From the Boards of Directors

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

John N. Roberts III

Little Rock Branch

Keith Glover

Karama Neal

Memphis Branch

Michael E. Cary

David T. Cochran Jr.

From the Industry Councils


Henry N. “Hank” Reichle Jr.

Health Care

Michael Holmes

Real Estate

Martin Edwards Jr.


Michael D. Garriga

From the Community Depository Institutions Advisory Council

Louisville Zone

Marvin Veatch

Memphis Zone

Roy Molitor “Mott” Ford Jr.

From the Community Development Advisory Council

St. Louis Zone

Rodney Crim

Little Rock Zone

Marta Loyd

Hillis Schild

Louisville Zone

Kevin Dunlap

Memphis Zone

Timothy Lampkin