Our People, Our Work
The Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis promotes a healthy economy and financial stability. How do we do it? The following figures from the past year offer a window into the St. Louis Fed through our people and work.
1,373staff members, the majority located at the District’s headquarters in St. Louis, with branches in Little Rock, Louisville and Memphis.
100perfect score for a second straight year in the Human Rights Campaign’s Best Places to Work Corporate Equality Index, a national benchmarking tool for policies and practices pertinent to LGBTQ+ employees.
16new students appointed to the St. Louis Fed’s student board of directors.
31college and seven high school students served as interns for the Bank.
#10ranking by DiversityInc in its 2017 Top Regional Companies list.
125state member banks and 485 bank and savings and loan holding companies supervised by the St. Louis Fed.
1.13 billioncurrency notes inspected and deemed fit for circulation.
3,041suspect counterfeit notes withdrawn from circulation.
$36.5 million1in improper payments identified by the St. Louis Fed in its role as fiscal agent to the U.S. Treasury and its Do Not Pay program, helping federal agencies eliminate payment error, waste, fraud and abuse.
29,481hours spent by internal auditors reviewing St. Louis Fed operations.
35 millionpage views of the St. Louis Fed’s research site by people in 192 countries.
2.5 millioneconomic research items from around the world that anyone can access for free via IDEAS.2
507,627data series in Federal Reserve Economic Data, better known as FRED®—the St. Louis Fed’s economic database—available online.
128,282page views of GeoFRED®, our geographical economic data tool that allows users to transform data in FRED to create and share maps by geographic category and time frame.
566,993items in FRASER®, the St. Louis Fed’s publicly available, historical digital library, with materials dating from 1791 to 2017.
Top 5%ranking for James Bullard on RePEc in a number of categories, including the h-index.3
#7ranking in research productivity for the St. Louis Fed among all research departments at central banks worldwide.
20,069people attended our public dialogue and other outreach events in St. Louis, Little Rock, Louisville and Memphis.
- students and their chaperones from 75 area schools visited the St. Louis Fed’s Economy Museum.
18,080bankers, regulators and other industry participants joined call-in and in-person St. Louis Fed information sessions held on timely financial and regulatory developments.
485,000+students were reached through educators who attended St. Louis Fed economic education programs.
1.2 millionstudent enrollments in the St. Louis Fed’s Econ Lowdown online economic education and financial literacy courses and videos.
84%of inner-city, majority-minority and all-girls high schools across the Fed's Eighth District accessed the St. Louis Fed’s financial literacy programs.
10awards for Econ Lowdown.
9,933people signed up for 41 workshops, conferences, forums and other events led by our Community Development department to promote economic resilience and mobility for low- and moderate-income and underserved households and communities across the District.
8,758LinkedIn followers and 7,769 Facebook followers.
238,532page views for The FRED Blog.
76,855followers on Twitter handle @stlouisfed.
437,361page views for On the Economy blog.
119,340pounds of cash shredded and composted after being deemed no longer fit for circulation.
149tons of waste recycled or composted—saved from landfills.
$243,142donated by Bank employees to local United Way campaigns.
$38,941raised by employees to help support food banks and feeding programs for the needy in the St. Louis area.
9,861school items donated by employees to the Back-to-School Supply Drive to benefit area students.
37Bank employees volunteered for Teach Children to Save Day at elementary schools in the St. Louis area.
- Total is for 2017 federal government fiscal year. [ back to text ]
- IDEAS is the world’s largest bibliographic database dedicated to economics. This service, provided by RePEc (Research Papers in Economics), is hosted by the St. Louis Fed’s Research division. [ back to text ]
- The h-index, or Hirsch index, is a compound measure of publications and citations used to highlight research productivity. [ back to text ]