Our People, Our Work
Our mission at the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis is to promote stable prices, encourage maximum sustainable economic growth and support financial stability for constituents in our Eighth District and across the United States. The following numbers offer a snapshot of how the St. Louis Fed—through our people and our work, and with vision and purpose—brought this mission to life over the past year.
All numbers are as of Dec. 31, 2016, unless otherwise noted.
No. 1 ranking in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch’s Top Workplaces 2016 survey, Large Employer category.
President James Bullard named No. 58 on Worth magazine’s Power 100 list of the most powerful men and women in global finance for 2016. Bullard was the only Reserve bank president named to the list.
Perfect score of 100 in the Human Rights Campaign’s Best Places to Work Corporate Equality Index, for our inclusive policies related to LGBT employees.
1,316 staff, the majority at the District’s headquarters in St. Louis, with staff also located at branches in Little Rock, Louisville and Memphis.
36 college and 8 high school students served as interns for the Bank.
Launch of a 5th employee-led resource group: SERVE, for military veterans. The other four focus on women, African-Americans, Asians and the LGBT community.
Supervised 130 state-member banks, plus 494 bank and savings and loan holding companies.
1.1 billion currency notes inspected and authenticated.
3,500 suspect counterfeit notes removed from circulation.
Shredded and composted 116,260 pounds of cash deemed unfit for circulation.
Assisted federal agencies in identifying nearly $59 million* in improper payments—curtailing payment errors, waste, fraud and abuse—as fiscal agent to the U.S. Treasury and its Do Not Pay program.
28,613 hours dedicated by internal auditors to reviewing St. Louis Fed operations.
*Total is for fiscal year 2016.
The research productivity of St. Louis Fed’s economic research division ranked:
- No. 6 among all research departments at central banks worldwide,
- No. 35 among all U.S. research institutions, and
- No. 59 among all research institutions worldwide.
More than 421,000 data series in FRED®, the St. Louis Federal Reserve’s free online economic database, used by people in 171 countries.
61,049 pageviews of GeoFRED®, our geographical economic data tool that allows users to transform data in FRED® to create and share maps by geographic category and time frame.
2.2 million economic research items from around the world that anyone can access for free via IDEAS.*
*IDEAS is the world’s largest bibliographic database dedicated to economics.
This service, provided by RePEc (Research Papers in Economics), is hosted by our research division.
16,500 bankers, regulators and other industry participants joined our call-in and in-person information sessions providing information on financial and regulatory developments.
519 people attended Dialogue with the Fed events, our evening lecture series on timely economic issues, in St. Louis and Memphis. Similar outreach events across the Eighth District attracted attendees numbering 503 in Little Rock, 1,464 in Louisville and 687 in Memphis.
10,500 people attended presentations about the economy and Fed-related issues requested through our public speakers bureau.
11,139 people signed up for 44 workshops, conferences, speeches and other events sponsored by our community development department on economic factors affecting low- and moderate-income communities in the District.
Staff met with 550 bankers, business and community leaders to discuss local economic conditions.
11,203 visitors toured the Inside the Economy® Museum in its second year of operation at the District’s headquarters in St. Louis.
48 million pageviews of the St. Louis Fed’s website.
365,180 pageviews of our On the Economy blog.
150,249 pageviews of The FRED Blog.
67,569 followers on Twitter @stlouisfed, which ranked No. 4 on InvestorPlace’s Top 10 list of “Who to Follow on Twitter: A Stock Trader’s Guide.”
7,197 followers on LinkedIn and 7,552 Facebook page Likes.
59,520 subscribers to all of our online and print publications and newsletters.
$226,335 donated by St. Louis Fed employees around the District to local United Way campaigns.
$35,960 raised by employees to support food banks and feeding programs for the needy in the St. Louis area.
More than 7,000 back-to-school supplies donated by Bank employees to Operation Food Search.
154 tons of waste that in the past would have gone to landfills were recycled or composted.