Pieces of Eight: News Bulletins from the Eighth Federal Reserve District

July 01, 1996

Speech! Speech!

Curious as to how the Federal Reserve plans to be involved in the payments system of the future? Reprints of two speeches given by St. Louis Fed President Thomas C. Melzer shed light on the topic. One speech, "The Evolving U.S. Payments System: A Central Banker's Viewpoint," was given by Melzer at last year's Bank Administration Institute National Payments System Conference in Washington, D.C. The other speech, "The Federal Reserve's View of the Payments System in the 21st Century," was delivered at this year's National Automated Clearinghouse Association Conference in San Francisco.

The speeches are the first in a series of selected economic and policy speeches to be made available to the public. To request a reprint of either speech, call Debbie Dawe of our Public Affairs Office at (314) 444-8809, or write "Speech Brochures," Public Affairs Department, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, P.O. Box 442, St. Louis, Mo., 63166-0442.

Board of Governors Page Online

The Federal Reserve Board of Governors is now online with its Internet home page, which can be found at http://www.bog.frb.fed.us. Visitors to the site can access regulation summaries and order Fed books, periodicals and educational pamphlets on consumer topics. The site also contains information on subscribing to the Commerce Department's economic bulletin board, which includes certain Fed statistical releases, such as those on weekly and monthly foreign exchange rates and selected interest rates.

Other web sites that may be of interest include:

Yahoo! Economics Page

Resources for Economists on the Internet

Bureau of Economic Analysis

The Information Economy

The Economics Working Paper Archive

The Social Science Research Network

National Bureau of Economic Research

Wells Fargo Bank

J.P. Morgan & Co.

Al Roth's Game Theory and Experimental Economics Page

Wall Street Research Net

University of Michigan EBB

District States' Per-Capita Tax Revenues Are Lower than Most

District State Rank Among 50 States 1994 Per Capita Tax Revenue
Kentucky 18 $1,487
Illinois 31 $1,316
Arkansas 34 $1,295
Indiana 38 $1,265
Mississippi 39 $1,245
Missouri 45 $1,120
Tennessee 46 $1,106
National Average:   $1,436

NOTE: Dollar figures have been rounded.

SOURCE: State Rankings 1996, Morgan Quitno Press

Views expressed in Regional Economist are not necessarily those of the St. Louis Fed or Federal Reserve System.

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