Speakers Announced for 2019 Community Banking Research Conference
September 03, 2019
ST. LOUIS – Featured speakers have been announced for the seventh annual Community Banking in the 21st Century research and policy conference that will be held Oct. 1-2, 2019, at the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis:
- Federal Reserve Governor Michelle Bowman will give the opening keynote at 8:30 a.m. CT on Tuesday, Oct. 1.
- Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. Chairman Jelena McWilliams will give the afternoon keynote at 12:30 p.m. CT on Oct. 1.
- Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia President Patrick Harker will give the second day keynote at 8 a.m. CT on Wednesday, Oct. 2.
The conference is sponsored by the Federal Reserve System, the Conference of State Bank Supervisors and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. The event brings together community bankers, academics, policymakers and bank supervisors from across the country to discuss the latest academic research on community banking and policy issues facing the sector.
Other Speakers
Julieann Thurlow, president and CEO of Reading Cooperative Bank, Reading, Mass., will deliver the community banker evening keynote address at 7 p.m. CT on Oct. 1.
Other guest speakers will include Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis President James Bullard and CSBS President and CEO John Ryan.
The two-day conference will be webcast live. For more information, including the full agenda and link to the livestream, visit the conference website at communitybanking.org.
Media interested in attending this invitation-only event in person must register in advance with the St. Louis Fed’s Maria Hasenstab at maria.e.hasenstab@stls.frb.org.
Laura Girresch
Anthony Kiekow
Shera Dalin
Tim Lloyd
Darby Alba