Supervisory & Regulatory Guidance



Supervision and Regulation staff members use a variety of reference materials to carry out their responsibilities, including:

These materials are made available to financial institutions as a resource for promoting regulatory compliance.

See a list of related links from our Supervisory Connection's web resources brochure.


Supervision Manuals

The following links will take you to the Board of Governors' website. You can download these manuals by section or in their entirety.

A User's Guide for the Bank Holding Company Performance Report Serves as an aid in using the Bank Holding Company Performance Report (BHCPR).

Bank Holding Company Supervision Manual Provides guidance to Federal Reserve System personnel in conducting inspections of bank holding companies and their nonbank subsidiaries.

Bank Secrecy Act Manual Covers Federal Reserve policies and procedures designed to assist examiners in reviewing banking organization programs to combat money laundering.

Commercial Bank Examination Manual Presents examination objectives and procedures that examiners follow in evaluating the safety and soundness of state member banks.

Consumer Compliance Handbook Contains examination objectives and procedures that examiners follow in conducting consumer compliance exams.

Examination Manual for U.S. Branches and Agencies of Foreign Banking Organizations Describes general policies and procedures examiners use when conducting reviews of the U.S. branches and agencies of foreign banking organizations.

Trading and Capital-Markets Activities Manual Provides the latest Federal Reserve supervisory guidance on trading operations and related capital markets activities.


Regulations, Laws and Other Guidance


All Federal Reserve Regulations A complete listing from Regulation A through EE.

Proposed Regulations and Requests for Comments Information concerning proposed Federal Reserve regulation changes, including relevant background information on the proposed regulation and how to submit a comment to the Board.


Title 12 The U.S. code for banks and banking (link to U.S. House of Representatives).

Bank Holding Company Act The law that established supervision and regulation of companies owning banks.

Federal Reserve Act The law that established the Federal Reserve System and its functions and responsibilities.

Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act The law that updated U.S. financial services laws and removed barriers between banks, insurance firms and securities firms.

Other Guidance

Legal Interpretations These opinion letters, written by the Board of Governors staff, address such topics as bank holding companies, the Federal Reserve Act, margin requirements, privacy and many other regulatory issues.

Supervision and Regulation (SR) Letters Supervision and Regulation letters, commonly known as SR letters, address significant policy and procedural matters related to the Federal Reserve's supervisory responsibilities.

Federal Reserve Regulatory Service This subscription service, which is updated monthly, is available in four loose-leaf volumes or on CD-ROM. It contains all Board regulations as well as authorizing statutes, policy statements, interpretations, and staff commentaries and opinion.

E-mail Alerts This e-mail alert service allows you to receive regular updates on regulations as well as other banking materials published by the St. Louis Fed.


Related Links

Account Services: Account Management Information (AMI), Billing, Clearing Balance Calculator, Service Charge Information (SCI)

Applications: “Application Filing Information” by type of application, with links to forms, regulations, and other application-related information

APRWIN: OCC’s web site where the Annual Percentage Rate Calculation Program for Windows (APRWIN) can be downloaded

Bank directors: Online training resource for Bank directors

Census data: Metropolitan and Micropolitan Statistical area definitions
Office of Management and Budget: Census data; demographic data


Compliance: Consumer Compliance Outlook.

Daylight Overdraft Reports Account Services
Daylight Overdraft Reports

Discount Window General information about the Discount Window, Regulation A, Summary of Operations Circular 10 Lending, Frequently asked questions

Summary of Deposits information from FDIC website

FFIEC Contains “Quick Links” to information on HMDA, CRA, Report Data, geocoding/mapping system, and rate spread calculator FFIEC’s CRA FFIEC’s HMDA NIC Public site

FFIEC Geocoding/Mapping system


Information on the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (RESPA) from the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) website
Frequently ask questions on RESPA rules
Office of Housing Counseling

National Information Center Search for an institution that has been acquired and merged into another institution

Online Training Training resource for bank directors

Operating Circulars Operating Circular 1 - Account Relationships,Operating Circular 8 - Collateral,Operating Circular 10 - Lending
Operating Circulars currently in effect

Press Releases Banking and consumer Regulatory Policy press release on the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System’s website, Annual adjustments to the amount of net transaction accounts used in calculating reserve requirements Statistics: Releases and historical data on the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System’s website; H-15 Website where federal register releases can be located Public Information Letters H-2 Release

Reference Guides
Operating Circulars: Account Management Guide, Interstate Branch Banking Guide, National Business Continuity Guide, Payment System Risk Policy Reference Material, Regulations, Reserve Maintenance Manual
Payment System Risk Policy:

All Regulations: (A – Z, AA – YY, etc.)

Reporting Forms
Reporting Forms
FR Y-10 Online:
Central Bank Forms: Business Continuity for Reporting, Call Report Forms, Financial and Regulatory Reports, Internet Electronic Submission, Treasury International Capital Reports

Reserve Maintenance
Reserve Maintenance Manual : (includes Current Tranche and Exemption Levels and Deposits Cutoff Levels)
Reserves Central: Reserve Maintenance Period Calendars, Reserve Maintenance Manual, Reserves Information, Term Deposit Facility, Excess Balance Accounts, Business Continuity for Reserves