Cash Services
Business Continuity
What happens if there’s a business disruption at the Federal Reserve?
Federal Reserve Cash Services maintains comprehensive business continuity plans activated in the event of a business disruption. The Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis’ business continuity plans align with those of other Federal Reserve banks to support continuity of service. If the normal provision of cash services is impaired, the Eighth District will notify its customers via FedLine Web.
How do I access Federal Reserve Cash Services?

If FedLine Web, your normal currency and coin ordering channel, is unavailable, you can also place orders by contacting your local Federal Reserve office via telephone. In order to expedite our due diligence process, ensure the employee who contacts our Federal Reserve office is reflected on your institution’s official authorization list (OAL).
If an Eighth District Fed office becomes inaccessible for an extended period of time, your financial institution may be directed to place orders with other Federal Reserve offices. You may also be informed about restrictions on currency and coin orders and deposits, and you may be directed to alternative pick-up and delivery points.
Cash Services: Contact Information
If your normal currency and coin ordering channels are unavailable, please use the following contact numbers to place your orders:
St. Louis Office Cash Services Telephone Numbers
- Telephone orders (currency and coin): 314-444-8328
- Fax orders (currency and coin): 314-444-8878
- Cash Administration division: 314-444-8328
- St. Louis FRB Police: 314-444-8480
If the St. Louis office is inaccessible, please contact the Memphis office.
Memphis Office & Little Rock Depot Cash Services Telephone Numbers
- Telephone orders (currency and coin): 1-800-552-5132 ext. 531-5114
- Fax orders (currency and coin): 901-531-5031
- Cash Administration division: 1-800-552-5132 ext. 531-5114
- Memphis FRB Police: 901-531-5028
If the Memphis office is inaccessible, please contact the St. Louis office.
Louisville Office Depot Cash Services Telephone Numbers
- Telephone orders (currency and coin): 513-455-4241
- Fax orders (currency and coin): 513-455-4588
- Cash Administration division: 513-455-4241
- Cincinnati FRB Police 513-455-4220